Inspiring Your Art: Wood
Today I’d like you to think about wood as an inspiration for your artwork. There are many facets of “wood” that you can explore: the colors or the textures, how the bark differs from the inner wood. What about wood as a material? It can be cut into pieces and assembled as a mosaic or carved into a sculpture or even used as a substrate, like in wood panel paintings. It can be painted or you can make use of its natural colors and patterns.

I often use natural materials like wood in my abstract, sculptural “paintings.” It can help to provide depth and structure as well as texture or even color. I like to use texture in my artwork, and wood has so many possibilities!
As a fun challenge, I’d like you to choose an aspect of wood and see how you can work that into your art. Will you work with the colors? The textures? Are you going to modify it in some way? Perhaps a series of pieces, each focused on a different aspect of wood? How about contrasting the wood with another material?

What will you choose? I’d love to see what you come up with. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.