5 Ways to Make Time for Your Art During the Holidays
With the holidays right around the corner, everything seems to go into overdrive this time of year. Unfortunately, when schedules fill up, it often seems like there’s no time for creating art. While it’s undoubtedly important—one could say necessary, even—time for creating artwork can get pushed aside by obligations to others. I’m guilty of this, and I’m sure many of you are as well. So, how can you make time for art amid the chaos and obligations of the season?
1. Schedule it
One way of making time for art is simply to schedule it. Block off that time and guard it vigilantly.
2. Keep a sketchbook with you
Okay, I get it. Not everyone can manage to block off a specific time slot. Everyone’s situation is different, and that’s okay. There are other options. You can also fit your art into whatever time you do have available. There’s nothing that says you need to devote a half hour, an hour, or even longer at a stretch. But what about that 5 or 10 minutes while you’re wait for something to cook, or for a meeting to begin or an appointment? Keep a sketchbook with you. That way when you have those 5 or 10 minutes, you’re prepared. There’s nothing to stop you from making your art!

3. Start an art journal
What if a sketchbook isn’t your thing? That’s fine too. I personally am not much of a sketcher. I do have a sketchbook, but it’s used more for recording rough, note-like sketches of ideas than for producing “good” artwork.

But why not try art journaling? Get yourself a sketchbook, or a notebook, or even just a stack of paper, and some art materials and start a journal. It can take as little as
5 or 10 minutes a day; there’s no reason you need to spend hours.
Got a few minutes first thing in the morning when you’re preparing for your day? How about a few minutes to reflect on your day as you get ready for bed? Jot down your thoughts and feelings. Find some inspiring quotes. Add whatever images you want, however you want. It’s all up to you. Journaling is a good way to relax, reduce stress, and sort out your thoughts and feelings.
4. Join (or create) an online art challenge
What if you need a little more inspiration or structure? How about an art challenge? There are a number that can be found online that you can join or you can even create your own. An art challenge not only provides guidance and structure, with a set topic for each day, but can also provide a sense of accountability that can help in prioritizing and scheduling your time. This is much like having a workout partner for the gym–if you’re expected to actually show someone something (such as posting it on social media), it’s easier to fit it in to your schedule.
A quick Google search should bring up a listing of art challenges. I’ve included a couple links that I found below:
5. Play with your food
Another option is to fit your art and creativity into your normal, everyday tasks. If you’re preparing food for a party, why not get a little creative? There’s no need for that veggie tray to be boring! I have a friend who makes breakfast for his daughters every Saturday and he comes up with the most creative presentations! I’ve seen him come up with apple swans, turkeys made from pears with bacon ‘tails,’ and flowers out of every imaginable breakfast food. Sometimes all you need is to squeeze a tiny little bit art into your everyday routine.

What ways have you found to fit art into your busy schedule?