This week, we’ll be talking about our next enemy, which is really a collection of enemies. I call it: The Gang.
There’s nobody really new here. I just wanted to emphasize that you can get multiple enemies working together, and this type of situation will destroy your treasures even more quickly!
Some dangerous combinations you frequently find are light and heat, humidity/moisture and heat, moisture and insects, and moisture and mold. Or if you’re really unlucky, you can even get moisture, heat, insects, And mold all together! That’s…not a situation you want to find yourself in.
In general terms, for the types of vulnerable materials we’ve been talking about over the last few weeks—like paintings, papers, photos and negatives, wooden items, musical instruments, plastics—you want to avoid bright, direct light, such as sunlight or fluorescent lights. Keep the humidity and temperature moderate—if it’s uncomfortable for you, it’s probably uncomfortable for your treasures.
Avoid really warm areas like attics and garages. Cold is generally okay, but you want to avoid rapid fluctuations in temperature, which can cause rapid humidity fluctuations. Keeping the temperature and humidity stable is also generally more important than maintaining a specific number. Of course, you don’t want the humidity to go over about 70% since that leaves your items susceptible to mold and insect infestations.
For storage, you want to use acid-free, archival materials. Food-grade plastic storage boxes and food storage bags are good choices. Avoid cardboard and newspaper! Don’t store your treasures in areas that aren’t climate controlled—like attics and garages, or in basements where they can get flooded. If you do need to store things in a basement, use plastic storage boxes and try to raise them at least a few inches off the floor.
If you’ve missed any of the previous posts, you can go back and check them out here.
What storage and display concerns have you identified over the last few weeks? Tell me in the comments.
Missed the previous posts? Start at the beginning of the collection care series here.
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This week, we’ll be talking about our next enemy: Adhesives.
Adhesives, and particularly adhesive tape, can be a sticky subject when it comes to collections care. (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself! I’ll try to refrain from making any more bad puns. I can see your eyes rolling there!) There are several issues when it comes to adhesives.
First, there’s the adhesive itself, which can leave a sticky residue that can be very hard to remove without damaging your items. Old tape that’s left in place can leave the aged adhesive behind even after its stickiness is gone. Masking tape is terrible for this—you’re left with a hard, crusty, yellow material wherever the tape was.
Secondly, unless it’s specifically formulated to be acid-free and archival, your adhesive is probably acidic, which will damage vulnerable materials, just like non-archival, acidic packing materials like cardboard and newspaper. The acid in the adhesive will cause yellowing and discoloration of paper items and photographs, and will eventually cause even greater damage, like holes in the paper!
Avoid using non-acid-free adhesives on things you want to keep long term—masking tape, rubber cement, duct tape, etc. There are a Lot of different acid-free, archival adhesives that are easily available these days. The scrapbook craze has been a great thing for object conservation! My personal favorite, which I use for making my torn paper collages, is the Zig/EK Tools 2-way glue. It changes color as it dries and provides the option of a permanent bond (when it’s first applied and blue) or a removable bond (after it’s dried and clear).
Another place you’re likely to find acidic adhesives is, ironically, in older photo albums. I don’t mean the really old ones where the photos are held in place with those paper corner tabs, though those albums could possibly be made from acidic paper, so be aware. I’m talking about the ones that were popular in the 1970s and 1980s that had the slightly sticky lines across each page to hold the photos in place underneath a clear plastic sheet. My mother has Piles of this type of album, since that’s what was commonly available when my siblings and I were kids. By now, that adhesive is probably not even sticky anymore and is likely starting to cause damage, so if you have any of those albums, I’d recommend replacing them with newer, archivally-safe albums.
Paper and photographs are the most commonly-affected materials when it comes to damage from acidic adhesives. I’ve also had to deal with removing old masking tape adhesive residue from wooden objects, which was not a lot of fun—you can’t really use solvents, since they can damage the finish on the wood or cause the adhesive residue to sink into the wood where you’ll Never be able to get it out!
Another thing you should be aware of as far as acidic materials goes is metal items like staples and paperclips. If you have boxes of papers, documents, or photos, there’s a good chance there are some staples or paperclips in there somewhere. If so—get rid of them! The metal will rust over time (especially if they’ve been stored somewhere that gets pretty humid), and that red-orange iron staining it leaves behind? That’s Very acidic. It will quickly eat holes in your papers or photos.
Do you have any suspicious storage materials housing your old photos? Tell me in the comments!
Missed the previous posts? Start at the beginning of the collection care series here.
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This week, we’ll be talking about our next enemy: Insects.
Nobody wants a bug infestation. Those little buggers can be Such a pain and they can cause a Lot of damage. I’m not going to go in detail about the different types of insect pests that can attack your treasures (though if there’s enough interest, I can do a separate blog post on it later—let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in). Today we’re just going to cover some general information and storage recommendations.
Your organic materials are the ones that are at risk from insect damage. Namely paintings, paper, photos, wood, and wooden musical instruments. Materials like leather, textiles/fabrics, and horn are also prime insect buffets. You want to avoid insect problems if you can—treating infestations after they occur is a multi-faceted and potentially frustrating process.
There are two main things you want to keep in mind in preventing insect infestations. First is general housekeeping. Keeping your home and/storage areas clean helps avoid attracting insects in the first place. Vacuum, dust, don’t leave open food or crumbs lying around. If there’s nothing enticing, they’ll just keep going and settle somewhere else! Second is humidity levels—if you missed it, we talked about that here. In particular, you want to avoid areas of high humidity, which many bugs need in order to thrive. If your basement is damp, try a dehumidifier. You want to make your space as unappealing to bugs as possible.
For items you are storing, as opposed to having out on display, you’ll want to store them in something that isn’t seen as food by insects—avoid paper or cardboard boxes. You also want something that will help block the scent of your tasty treasures! Sealed plastic storage boxes are a great option. The high-quality food-grade ones like Tupperware and Rubbermaid are acid-free and frequently used by museums. As a side-benefit, they also provide more physical protection from crushing and other impact as well as protection from flooding and water damage.
If you do end up with an insect infestation, you’ll want to contact a professional conservator. There are several different treatments, and they’re not all suitable for every type of material. And while your treasures are getting treated, you’ll need to address the environmental conditions that allowed the bugs to take over in the first place. Again, a conservator can assist you with that.
How do you store your vulnerable treasures? Tell me in the comments.
Missed the previous posts? Start at the beginning of the collection care series here.
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