I recently finished this piece, titled “The Trickster,” which depicts a coyote from the Akron Zoo. Of course, if you want to consider it a wolf, that’s fine too. The Akron Zoo has both coyotes and red wolves. Their habitats are right next to each other and they look Very similar. I even overheard one of the zoo workers telling someone that she Still can’t tell them apart!
Coyotes are actually quite interesting creatures, though they’ve got a bad reputation these days since they’ve started to migrate into suburbs and more urban areas due to territory loss. They live in family groups but frequently hunt alone. The coyote is a common character in many Native American cultures and his nature varies from a helpful teacher and creator to a greedy, reckless and arrogant villain to a clever trickster.
What does a coyote mean to you? Is he a nuisance or a harmless trickster? Have you ever encountered one? Tell me below!
This is Hope, my latest torn paper collage custom pet portrait. Hope is a very special dog. As you can see from the portrait, she’s a service dog and she makes her owner’s life so much easier every day. Like other service animals, Hope also spends time “off duty,” but this portrait is intended to commemorate the selfless service she performs daily at her job.
Would you like a custom portrait of your own pet? You can check out the process here or email me with any questions!
Here’s a recently finished portrait of a black and white cat. He’s a stray that lives near my father’s house. They’ve fed him since he was a kitten and call him Harry. I got to see him when I visited for Christmas and he came to the door begging for food.
Whiskers are tricky things. Difficult to make with torn paper. It’s hard to get them delicate-looking enough that they don’t overpower the rest of the piece. I find it’s often better to leave them off unless they’re an important part of the look of the animal. With this guy, the whiskers were definitely important—the bright white whiskers against the stark black fur really stand out and become a critical feature in his ‘look.’
Are there any features or aspects of your artwork or preferred mediums that you find particularly challenging? I’d love to hear from you. Tell me in the comments below!
And if you’d like a portrait of this strikingly handsome guy, you can a print from my Etsy shop, here.
Here’s another torn paper collage that I completed recently. It’s based on a white stork at the Akron Zoo in Ohio and doesn’t have a title yet. I like the storks—they have such a nice contrast between the bright white and deep black feathers and their reddish-orange beaks. This piece also seemed to go very quickly when I was working on it. I mean, it didn’t Actually take less time than many of my other collage pieces—I can only work so quickly. It takes time to tear up and glue down every tiny paper fragment, after all. But it Felt like it went quickly!
If you’d like to own this beautiful stork, you can purchase a fine art print of it in my Etsy shop, here. It would look spectacular hanging on your wall!
I’ve had a bit more time lately so I’ve been trying to catch up on some of the artwork I’ve been wanting to work on. This piece is a companion piece to my lion collage, Tamarr, and depicts the other lion at the Akron Zoo, named Mandisa. I think they’ll make a nice pair, hanging on the wall together.
Oh, and if you want your own copy of Mandisa, fine art prints are available in my Etsy shop here. Or if you prefer, you can get prints of both Tamarr and Mandisa here.
With the end of the semester followed by the holidays, things have been a little busy so it’s taken me a while to finish my latest piece. This piece is still untitled—some pieces seem to find their title easily while others can take some time. Anyway, this is a lion at the Akron Zoo named Tamarr. His name always amuses me, since it’s so close to my own! I do plan on a companion piece to this one, depicting the lioness that lives with Tamarr. Stay tuned for that one. I think they’ll make a nice pair, hanging on the wall together.
Oh, and if you want your own copy of Tamarr, fine art prints of this piece are available in my Etsy shop here.