New Artwork: Slipper Orchid Linocut Block Print
In a couple previous posts, here and here, I introduced a set of linoleum block prints of flowers that I am working on. This is the third print in the set, a Paphiopedlium or slipper orchid.

The original flower this was based on was a neat green and purple/maroon color. I got the flower at a local orchid society show this spring and was thrilled with the colors when it finally bloomed. It’s hard choosing an orchid when you don’t know what the flower will look like!

I’m actually really pleased with how this one turned out. I suspect it would also look great in color. I may try out a limited edition of hand-colored prints with this piece. What do you think? Let me know in the comments!
This print, along with the others in the set, will be available for purchase shortly in both my Etsy shop and on my website.
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