New Artwork: Black and White Cat Torn Paper Collage
Here’s a recently finished portrait of a black and white cat. He’s a stray that lives near my father’s house. They’ve fed him since he was a kitten and call him Harry. I got to see him when I visited for Christmas and he came to the door begging for food.
Whiskers are tricky things. Difficult to make with torn paper. It’s hard to get them delicate-looking enough that they don’t overpower the rest of the piece. I find it’s often better to leave them off unless they’re an important part of the look of the animal. With this guy, the whiskers were definitely important—the bright white whiskers against the stark black fur really stand out and become a critical feature in his ‘look.’
Are there any features or aspects of your artwork or preferred mediums that you find particularly challenging? I’d love to hear from you. Tell me in the comments below!
And if you’d like a portrait of this strikingly handsome guy, you can a print from my Etsy shop, here.