Inspiring Your Art: Dreaming
“What would an ocean be
without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.”
― Werner Herzog
I like this quote. It’s not your typical “dream” quote. You know the type—“Follow your dreams” or “You can accomplish anything you dream of.” And those are perfectly fine. But today I’d like you to explore the darker side of dreaming. The dreams where you wake up with your heart racing, or the ones where you’re just totally creeped out and there’s No Way you’re getting back to sleep.
I find those types of dreams are the ones that stick with me long after I wake. And really, they’re probably the ones that I most need to learn something from. Figuring out what my subconscious is trying to tell me, however… That’s the challenge!
With this quote, I like the imagery of the sea monster hiding deep in the depths of the ocean, waiting to ambush the unwary traveler. Or perhaps, the unwary dreamer!
What does this quote bring to mind for you? Do you have any recurring dreams? Is any of your artwork inspired by your dreams?