Animal Profile: Fox

What is a Fox?

The fox is a small to medium-sized member of the dog family (Canidae) with long fur and a bushy tail. The largest and most common species is the red fox, which is thought to be the most wide-spread carnivore in the world. Typically a reddish-brown color, with black legs and ears and a white-tipped tail, red foxes can also be found in other colors, including black and silver. They are about 3 feet long and weigh around 10-15 pounds. Highly clever and adaptive animals, foxes can thrive even in urban environments. I spent many nights watching foxes from my apartment when I lived in London!

Foxes in Folklore

Foxes appear in the folklore of many cultures, frequently in a ‘trickster’ role. For example, in Japanese folklore, the kitsune, or fox spirit, is described as an intelligent entity with paranormal abilities. Their wisdom and power are thought to increase with age and they have the ability to shapeshift between fox and human form. While they are sometimes cast as a trickster, other tales show kitsune as guardians, friends, lovers, or spiritual messengers.

As a trickster, the fox appears frequently in European folklore, from the Russian “Kuma Lisa” figure to Finnish and Scottish stories, the trickster fox is rarely evil or cruel. He is often paired in the tales with a more sinister wolf figure, which he outsmarts despite being weaker, representing the triumph of cunning and intelligence over brute strength. Foxes are also common in many Native American cultures though its role varies from culture to culture. In some Midwest and Plains cultures, the fox is seen as embodying wisdom and intelligence whereas in other native cultures, he is seen as a greedy thief. The fox is also a common clan animal in several Native American cultures, including the Hopi, Creek, and Menominee tribes.

The fox is also a popular ‘spirit animal,’ where it provides guidance on quickly finding your way around obstacles. Symbolically, the fox can be seen to represent increased awareness, cunning, the ability to see through deception, the ability to maneuver tricky situations and an affinity with nocturnal activities and dream work.

A beautiful and striking animal, the fox appears in many cultures and fulfills a variety of roles in tales and stories. Have you seen foxes in the wild? What does the fox represent for you? Is it a sinister trickster or a helpful guide?

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