Posts Tagged: inspirational image

Inspiring Your Art: Spring

It’s officially Spring! The weather seems to be warming up, the robins are back and the flowers are finally starting to appear. We’ll ignore for a moment that it’s supposed to snow here tomorrow… In celebration of the season, I’d like you to consider this image of spring crocuses as your art inspiration for this week. These guys are currently happily blooming in my garden, which is a welcome pop of color after the cold, dreary winter.

Yellow crocus flowers in spring

I like crocuses. They’re one of the first flowers to brave the early spring and its unpredictable weather. They’re colorful and cheerful, like a ray of hope! They also kind of signify to me the rebirth of spring, inexorably working their way up through the dark, frozen ground.

What signifies spring for you? Is it the first flowers? The return of the robins (if you live in the north, anyway!)? Or is it something else?  How do you celebrate Spring with your art?

Inspiring Your Art: Sunshine

It’s that time of year when winter really starts to set in and I find myself missing warmer, sunny weather. So I think it’s time to remind ourselves, especially if you live in an area that gets cold in the winter!, that it’s not all cold, snowy days or struggling with icy roads.

I ran across this image and I thought it would make a good focus for inspiration. I like the warm sunny feel of the photo, and oceans are always a favorite of mine. And coincidentally, it’s also Valentine’s Day, so the heart-shaped wave seems appropriate.

I’d like you to consider how you can incorporate “sunshine” into your artwork. Is it through color? What is the texture of sunshine? Can you evoke that somehow? What does “sunshine” mean to you?