Playtime in the Studio
So, I haven’t actually had a lot of free time to play in my studio lately. Hoping that will change soon; we’ll see.
Several months ago I thought I’d try keeping a gratitude journal. I’ve heard all kinds of good things about them. But I didn’t really feel like straight up journaling. I’ve journaled in the past, and while it’s not quite the same thing, I’ve always found it difficult to keep consistent.
But then I thought, why not make some sort of visual gratitude journal? And so the gratitude tree was born! I liked the idea of creating small pieces that I could add to my tree and watch it ‘grow’ over time.

I have several shapes and paper types of blank ‘leaves’ as well as a number of blank butterfly shapes because, why not? So when I have my things I’m feeling grateful for, I can just select a shape, write out my gratitude, decorate it however I want, and hang it on my ‘tree.’
It’s a fun way to keep reflect on the good things in my life and it serves as a reminder whenever I see my gratitude tree, which is currently hanging on a wall in my studio.

Do you keep a gratitude journal? What has your experience been? Tell me in the comments.
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