New Artwork: Passion Flower Linocut Block Print
In some previous posts, here, here and here, I introduced a series of linoleum block prints of flowers that I am working on. Unlike the other prints in the series, this one isn’t an orchid! Instead, it’s a passion flower.
The original flower this was based on was white with dark blue and purple accents. I purchased the flower as a gift for my father and it started booming before I had a chance to give it to him (Don’t worry—I did finally manage to get it to him, and it was still blooming away, so all is well!).

I tried out some new carving tools for this block and sadly, I’m not at all happy with them. For a while, I seriously doubted if the block could be salvaged and thought I’d have to completely re-carve the design on a new piece of linoleum with my original tools. Linoleum is very unforgiving of mistakes or slips of your tools. But it all turned out okay in the end.
This print, along with the other flower prints in the series, will soon be available for purchase in both my Etsy shop and on my website.
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