Inspiring Your Art: Attraction and Creation
For your inspiration this week, I’d like you to consider this quote by Buddha:
“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” — Buddha
We are constantly busy dealing with the minutia of our daily lives and frequently don’t take the time to slow down and reflect on the bigger picture. I think we often forget how intimately connected our thoughts, emotions and actions are.
A lot of times, I find myself focusing on all the things that need to get done or the things I’m missing rather than on what is good and right with my world and I’m sure many of you do the same .
What if, instead, we take a moment to reflect on the good—the things that are going right, the things that make us happy? Instead of attracting scarcity and business and chaos, we can instead create happiness and peace.
How does this quote relate to your artwork or your life in general? Tell me in the comments below!
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