Inspiring Your Art: Love and Hope
For your inspiration this week, I’d like you to consider this quote by Rodin:
“The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live.” Auguste Rodin
To me, it reminds me of the emotion, the passion, that I feel when I create art. There are (too many!) days when I don’t make time for art. I’m sure we all have those days. The days when you’re just too tired or stressed or “busy” and think, “well, I’ll just skip today and pick up again tomorrow.” And that’s valid. It’s a great thing to strive for, making art every day, but sometimes life just gets in the way.
But I’ve definitely noticed that if I’m not creating art regularly, I just don’t feel as calm and centered, as content or even happy as I do when I Am making art. So I try not to skip too many days. Even on those days when I’m tired and drained and don’t really feel like it, I try to work on something for at least a few minutes. Sometimes all I manage is those few minutes, but other times a few minutes turns into an hour or more!
In the spirit of the quote above, I’d like to hear about how you express your “passion” in your art. Is it through the subject? The colors? The medium? Or is it just the process of creating itself? What does this quote make you feel and how can or do you relate it to your art? Tell me in the comments.