Musings of the Artist, V.1.0
Otherwise known as “Let’s give this blogging thing a try!”
So, I thought I’d introduce a blog to my website. I have a whole slew of ideas and hopefully life won’t intervene too much. There are times I’ll likely be busier than others; sometimes Really busy. I’m actually a full-time PhD student at the moment, so coursework and research can sometimes take over at certain times of the year.
Work-life balance is always an issue with any job. But sometimes it seems that being a student, especially a graduate student, is expected to be the sole purpose and activity of your life. Now, when I was younger that may have been more acceptable to me but not these days! I think I do a reasonable job of making time for my art, despite my class and research schedule, but there are definitely days (or weeks!) when I let it slide.
So why am I adding an additional responsibility to the mix? Well, I’m hoping it will actually help keep me more focused on my art amidst the distraction of research and coursework. Not only making time to work on art, but keeping me accountable for regularly producing something artistic, something not engineering-related. Because art is important to me. Critical, even. And if it’s just for me, it’s too easy to let it get pushed to the side when there are too many other demands on my time.
It’s all about the journey. Enjoy the ride!